[Histonet] apoptosis control tissue

Jackie.O'Connor <@t> abbott.com Jackie.O'Connor <@t> abbott.com
Mon Feb 16 08:29:54 CST 2004

I use murine small intestine routinely for an apoptosis control - I have 
used liver from treated animals in which apoptosis has been induced, but 
endogenous biotin is sometimes too strong.  Overall, I prefer the GI.

Jacqueline M. O'Connor HT(ASCP)
Abbott Laboratories
Global Pharmaceutical Research and Development
Discovery Chemotheraputics

DANIEL EBERHARD <daniel.eberhard <@t> uni-bielefeld.de>
Sent by: histonet-bounces <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu
02/16/2004 08:12 AM

        To:     histonet <@t> pathology.swmed.edu
        Subject:        [Histonet] apoptosis control tissue

Dear Histo-Listers,
I would like to check some transgenic mouse tissues for apoptotic 
Thus I´m looking for nice control tissues in which apoptosis is frequent -
e.g . I thought of  intestinal epithelium (cypts and villi).
Can you recommend me other tissues/what you do use?
Any suggestions would be helpful,
Thanks in advance

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Dr. Daniel Eberhard          =V=

Developmental Biology 
& Molecular Pathology 

Graduate Programe on Pattern Formation

University of Bielefeld
D 33501 Bielefeld/Germany

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