[Histonet] FW: [COMPMED] Cassettes for an AO Spencer 820 rotary microtome

Jenny Oblander Jenny-Oblander <@t> omrf.ouhsc.edu
Fri Feb 6 15:58:21 CST 2004

I am forwarding this message for a member of the Comp Med list server. Can
anyone help him ? Thanks Jenny

-----Original Message-----
From: Brian Gordon, DVM 
Sent: Friday, February 06, 2004 3:08 PM
To: Jenny Oblander
Subject: FW: [COMPMED] Cassetts for an AO Spencer 820 rotary microtome

-----Original Message-----
From: Fernando Catalan [mailto:catalanf18 <@t> yahoo.com]
Sent: Friday, February 06, 2004 2:56 PM
Subject: [COMPMED] Cassetts for an AO Spencer 820 rotary microtome


Would anyone happen to know where I can find tissue
embedding cassetts for an American Optical Spencer 820
rotary microtome?  These are very small cassetts with
maximum dimensions of about 1.5 X 3 X 0.5 cm.

Thank you in advance for any information

Fernando Catalan
Trinity University TX

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