[Histonet] Wright Giemsa staining on Bone Marrow Smears

Lorraine Cornett cornettl <@t> hotmail.com
Wed Dec 8 10:36:02 CST 2004

Would anyone like to share their procedure of Wright Giemsa stain on Bone 
Marrow smears?
We have a procedure that has just recently been producing inconsistent 
staining, we would like to evaluate if there is a better/more 
economical/and/or easier method out there that will give us consistent 
"good" staining.

Also if you would like to contribute any experiences with microwave tissue 
processing (what brand preferred) I would appreciate it.  This is a new area 
that we may begin to explore.


Lorraine Cornett, HT (ASCP)
Highlands Pathology
Blue Ridge Division, Kingsport, TN
423 224-5793 fax 423 224-5349

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