[Histonet] Staining for Macrophages
Gayle Callis
gcallis <@t> montana.edu
Wed Aug 4 10:36:05 CDT 2004
There are other monoclonal antibodies for macrophages in the mouse,
generally rat antimouse, try BD Pharmingen. F4/80 (mature macrophages) is
another available from Serotec. You can use a mouse monoclonal on mouse
tissue, but should use the DAkO ARK kit or Chemicon mouse on mouse kit,
there are others on the market. Hopefully, you have a positive control
expressing the macrophage population you wish to see, this way you can
optimize your antibody before going to experimental animal.
At 08:28 AM 8/4/2004, you wrote:
>I had previously asked about MAC-387 staining. Unfortunately, we can't
>use the staining because we are staining mouse kidney and it doesn't look
>right if you stain with a mouse anti-body. Does anyone know of a way to
>stain for macrophages with out an antibody??? Or perhaps a polyclonal
>antibody???? Thanks a bunch!
>Jennifer K. Sipes, RALAT
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Gayle Callis
Research Histopathology Supervisor
Veterinary Molecular Biology
Montana State University - Bozeman
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