[Histonet] RE: need help about frozen bladder sections
C.M. van der Loos
c.m.vanderloos <@t> amc.uva.nl
Fri Oct 3 03:35:19 CDT 2003
Dear Izzet Oguz,
A storage temperature of -20C is not cold enought for proper
preservation of the tissue morphology and structure. That might be
perhaps the reason why your tissue became so fragile. At snap freezing
of your tissues the water content will be frozen as amorphous cristals.
However, between -1 and -40 water cristals will reshape from amorphous
to needles. It is obvious that the needle structures will damage your
tissue morphology very badly. At a temperature below -70 this needle
forming process cannot take place anymore.
Chris van der Loos
Dept. of Cardiovascular Pathology
Academical Medical Center
Amsterdam - The Netherlands
----- Original Message -----
>From "izzet oguz" <docmichel <@t> netbulmail.com>
Date Thu, 2 Oct 2003 09:28:51 +0300 (EEST)
To <histonet <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu>
Subject [Histonet] need help about frozen bladder sections
we took bladder sections from rats about four months ago..first we
froze the tissue in liquid nitrogen. Then left them at -20 C deep
freeze for 4 months..after that we could not cut the tissues because
they became so fragile..Any suggestions about this problem will be
greatly appreciated..Thanks..
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