[Histonet] separated cells continued

Bernadette Weston bernaweston <@t> hotmail.com
Fri Nov 21 13:28:13 CST 2003

Hope this helps my problem:
Here is our processing program:

Formalin  1:00
Formalin  2:30
70% ETOH   :50
80% ETOH   :50
95% ETOH   :50
95% ETOH   :50
100% ETOH :50
100% ETOH :50
Paraffin 1:00
Paraffin 1:00
Paraffin 1:00

The paraffin station are at 58 degrees the other stations are ambient the 
pressure is on all stations.

The sections do not appear to be improperly processed when cutting, we use 
accuride blades, we get a nice ribbon and the sections lay out in the 
waterbath, we cut at 3 and 4 microns.  We put the slides in a 60 degree 
pictures @ histonet images

Bernadette Weston HT

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