[Histonet] DBA staining for parietal cells

Manuelle De Bock manuelle.debock <@t> UGent.be
Fri Nov 14 02:14:40 CST 2003

Hello everybody,

First of all I want to thank you all for helping me with my T and B cell staining problem. I got many replies and am working out some new protocols now. Thanks!
I also have a new question, has someone already worked with the lectin DBA (horse gram) to color parietal cells? 
Could you give me some more information about that (what are the bindingplaces of this lectin on the parietal cell?) I have not worked with lectins yet.



Manuelle De Bock, dierenarts (DVM)
Laboratory of Veterinary Pathology 
Department of Pathology, Bacteriology and Avian Diseases
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Ghent University
Salisburylaan 133
B9820 Merelbeke - Belgium
Tel 0032(0)9 264 7745
Fax 0032(0)9 264 7789
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