[Histonet] CD 4/CD 8 staining of frozen stomach sections of mice

Manuelle De Bock manuelle.debock <@t> UGent.be
Thu Nov 6 04:36:03 CST 2003

Hello everyone,

I am trying (for a long time allready) to produce a good CD4/CD8 staining of frozen stomach tissue (mice). We use the Dako rat anti-mouse CD4 antibody but always encounter a large amound of background  after staining (it seems like there is a lot of cross reactivity with the glandular epithelium). Can anyone help me to solve this problem ?
Thanx !

Manuelle De Bock, dierenarts (DVM)
Laboratory of Veterinary Pathology 
Department of Pathology, Bacteriology and Avian Diseases
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Ghent University
Salisburylaan 133
B9820 Merelbeke - Belgium
Tel 0032(0)9 264 7745
Fax 0032(0)9 264 7789
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