[Histonet] Rotring ink for marking arteries and veins

Sarah Jones SJones <@t> cvm.tamu.edu
Wed Dec 10 15:44:38 CST 2003

Hello Netters,
  I had a researcher come in and ask about Rotring ink.  It was used in
a procedure to inject and mark the arteries and veins with different
colors.  I know Polysciences has the Batson's Anatomical Corrosion Kit. 
I spoke to Pam Marcum at Polysciences and she said the Batson's is not
Rotring ink.  She thought Rotring ink may be a tattoo ink.  Does anyone
know what Rotring ink is, where it can be purchased, and how it would be
diluted to inject into the vessels?  
Thanks, Sarah

Sarah Jones HT(ASCP)
Dept. of Vet. Anatomy & Public Health
Histology Lab
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX 77843-4458
phone: 979-845-3177
fax:  979-458-3499

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