[Histonet] aqueous mounting medium nad refractive index

Bryan Llewellyn bryand <@t> netbistro.com
Tue Dec 2 13:08:47 CST 2003

By better refractive index, I presume you mean higher refractive index.  If that is correct, the aqueous medium I used when I wanted good clarity was PVP glycerol.  I have no reference, nor do I know who introduced it, but the recipe is:

Polyvinylpyrrolidone  50 grams
Distilled water 50 ml

Stir the two together, and put in a 56C incubator until it is a clear syrup.  Add 10 mL glycerol, mix very well.  Leave another hour or so for bubbles to rise, then cool to room temperature.  In a capped container it will last for years.

Almost dry sections, place the medium onto the center of the section, not the edge of the slide.  Apply coverslip.  Do not press.  Make any adjustments to the coverslip immediately as it sets in about five minutes.  Its disadvantage is that it slowly dries back over some months.

I used this medium for muscle biopsy enzymes and it worked very well.

Bryan Llewellyn
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: David Laidley 
  To: histonet <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu 
  Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2003 9:20 AM
  Subject: [Histonet] aqueous mounting medium nad refractive index

  Does anyone know the refractive index of Faramount (Dako) and PVA-glycerol, both aqueous mounting mediums.

  Can anyone suggest an aqueous mounting medium that has a better refractive index than the ones mentioned above (if available)

  David Laidley
  Memorial University of Newfoundland
  Division of Basic Medical Sciences
  St. John's, Newfoundland

  dave_laidley <@t> yahoo.ca

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