[Histonet] Cross Contamination CAP policy

Bob Richmond rsrichmond at gmail.com
Sat Jan 13 13:32:45 CST 2018

Terri L. Braud, HT(ASCP), Anatomic Pathology Supervisor at Holy Redeemer
Hospital in Meadowbrook PA notes:

>>Our policy calls for wiping of forceps with gauze between cases at gross
and at embedding. At gross, we use a disposable absorbent lined pad on the
cutting board for each larger case, and just a fresh c-fold paper towel
between small biopsy cases. We do not allow double-dipping of swabs into
ink, but instead, pour out small amounts into a large plastic weigh boat
which is also discarded after the case. We use disposable safety scalpels,
with a 70 blade (love 'em) for each case. For excessively bloody/fatty
cases, we put the dirty forceps into an enzyme pre-soak (Aseptizyme) to
remove all tissue debris. Then they are scrubbed with a brush, then rinsed
in a disinfectant before being re-used.<<

I've never seen a pathology service (and I've worked in 80 of them) do any
of these things, all of them good ideas. I'm glad to see the CAP taking the
issue up. Carry-overs from case to case are common, particularly when the
grosser is overworked and working too fast. I've never seen a serious error
made as a result of such contamination, but I've seen a few close calls.

Terri Braud, could you copy us the actual text in the CAP inspection form?

Bob Richmond
Samurai Pathologist
Maryville TN

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