[Histonet] Oil Red O for FS on Muscle

Michelle MacVeigh-Aloni macveigh <@t> usc.edu
Thu Jan 27 15:25:44 CST 2011

Few more things:


1.       The mixed/working solution is good for 1-2 hours only. If you
filter it for a long time, this might use the good working time and then you
have trouble, because it just won't work well for you. I just poor the stain
and the water in a glass cylinder and shake it. That's it. 

2.       After coverslipping, do not press on the coverslip to chase air
bubbles away or this might displace the lipid droplets from their original

3.       Look at the slides as soon as possible. In few days, you will see
that the stain is changing into ugly black crystals and the longer you wait
the larger the crystals = have to repeat it all over again J

4.       To clean the glassware, spray All Purpose Cleaner, use a brush and
warm water



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