[Histonet] curious about soaking paraffin blocks.

Kemlo Rogerson Kemlo.Rogerson <@t> waht.swest.nhs.uk
Mon Oct 29 08:11:49 CDT 2007

"I suspect human tissue is generally fattier than other animals, so a 
dehydration schedule that works for people extracts too much fat from 
other animal tissues, making them "dry" and crumbly."

Yes I believe that is the answer I've heard before; that it is not how
the proteins react to the fixative but what stops the fixative from
fixing the proteins in the first place. Fat delays the process of
fixation; absence of fat doesn't. Probably accounts for processing too.
Fat tissue takes longer to process than thin tissue.

Isn't it hitting balls with sticks not 'hitting sticks with balls'?
You'd have to keep the stick motionless and throw the ball at it; isn't
it called cricket anyway?

Kemlo Rogerson
Pathology Manager
DD   01934 647057 or extension 3311
Mob 07749 754194; Pager 07659 597107;
Never does nature say one thing and wisdom another. --Juvenal 

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