[Histonet] toluidin blue

Tora Bardal tora.bardal at ntnu.no
Mon Aug 12 06:18:26 CDT 2024

To all the good histochemist/ chemists ...

I usually make up toluidine blue for staining Epon and Technovit in borate buffer, 1 % konc.
Due to HSE I'm interested in substituting the  sodium borate buffer with another buffer.
Any knowledge out there?? Recommendations?


Tora Bardal
Senior Engineer
NTNU Sealab
7491 Trondheim
Tlf: 73 59 09 38 Mobil: 970 25256

Vare- og besøksadresse:
NTNU Sealab
Brattørkaia 17C
7010 Trondheim

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