[Histonet] question on processing worms (11z at comcast.net)

Hobbs, Carl carl.hobbs at kcl.ac.uk
Sun Sep 27 12:27:47 CDT 2020

I have done several yrs of work on Eisenia fetida worms with a PhD student.
I decided to do a std Pwax processing schedule.
The student dissected the appropriate area then placed in 10% Formalin in PBS pH7.4 for 24hrs on a rocker ( gentle agitation)
I then processed to Pwax using a std IMS/Xylene/wax on a Leica carousel ( 1hr in each station)
Worked fine.
Could do tinctorial and IHC no problem.
Sure, many primary Abs didn't work.......
We also did TUNEL on them Pwax sections....worked a treat.
I may have TUNEL images in the Histonet Image archive.

Good luck!
NB: Sure, maybe freezing is a better way forwards. Depends. 
All I know is that the PhD student passed with no problems and went on to a so far succesful career in Science Industry

Best wishes


Carl Hobbs FIBMS
Histology and Imaging Manager
Wolfson CARD
Guys Campus, London Bridge 
Kings College London

020 7848 6813

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