[Histonet] On-line references
Tom Wells
Tom_Wells at bcit.ca
Wed Mar 25 15:54:02 CDT 2020
Thanks Bryan,
Yes I refer to it all the time. I will add it to my list. Cheers. Tom
Tom Wells BSc, MEd, MLT, ART
Medical Laboratory Science
School of Health Sciences
(604) 412-7594
-----Original Message-----
From: Bryan Llewellyn <llewllew at shaw.ca>
Sent: March 25, 2020 1:28 PM
To: Tom Wells <Tom_Wells at bcit.ca>; Histonet <histonet at lists.utsouthwestern.edu>
Subject: Re: [Histonet] On-line references
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In the downloads section there is a scanned, corrected and reformatted copy of the Microtomist's Vade Mecum, 7th edition. This text covers other areas as well as medical and is in the public domain in the US and Canada, and likely elsewhere. The problem with putting textbooks on line is that they must have their copyright expired and be in the public domain, which means they will invariably have been published in the first half of the 20th century, i.e. 50 or 60 years, or more, ago.
Bryan Llewellyn
Tom Wells via Histonet wrote:
> Given that our Institute's library is closed due to the pandemic, is
> anyone aware of on-line versions of Histotechnology/ Histochemistry
> textbooks? Thanks. Tom
> Tom Wells BSc, MEd, MLT, ART
> Faculty
> Medical Laboratory Science
> School of Health Sciences
> SW03-3088
> (604) 412-7594
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