[Histonet] Fwd: Sectioning mice vertebrae and tail

lucius lo luciuslo9 at gmail.com
Fri Feb 21 10:38:03 CST 2020

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: lucius lo <luciuslo9 at gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2020 at 15:46
Subject: Sectioning mice vertebrae and tail
To: <histonet at lists.utsouthwestern.edu>

To whom may concern,

I am a University student who currently pursuing a field in histology
technician and is having a final year of the histology of bone marrow
adipocytes in transgene mice.

My question is regarding the sectioning of these fat-rich tissues which
torn off easily.

My way of sectioning is:
1. Freeze the blocks for an hour in wet ice immersed in distilled water.
2. Trim off the block in one micron while pressing down the lever.
3. Section the slide in five or six microns, then freeze the section again
after trimmed off a hundred microns.
4. Obtain another section after placing the block in ice for 30 seconds.

The torn off issue are highly corrected after I do step 4. However, *these
tissues still appear with tiny holes that only appear after the H&E*.
I would like to ask if anyone could share their experiences or solutions in
facing tails and vertebrae.


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