[Histonet] Update info. on old topic?

Sanders, Jeanine (CDC/DDID/NCEZID/DHCPP) jqb7 at cdc.gov
Wed Aug 5 07:39:53 CDT 2020

Good morning!

I need to provide some information to my team about film vs. glass coverslipping. I have a lot of positive info. regarding film but are any cons? And I need to come up wit the pros of glass over film. Anyone with extended experience have some current information for me?

Thanks very much,

Jeanine Sanders, BS, HT(ASCP), QIHCCM(ASCP)
Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road NE
Bldg. 18, Rm SB-114
Atlanta, GA 30329

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