[Histonet] Bleach Regs

Maryann Deathridge madeathridge at pastnashville.com
Thu Jan 31 09:11:45 CST 2019

Hello Histonetters!
Has anyone heard of a regulation by CAP, CLIA or OSHA regarding commercial bleach stored under the laboratory sink.  My lab routinely has a gallon container of dated/ bio-labeled commercial bleach stored under the sink for cleaning purposes. Daily use to clean special stain coplin jars,etc..  I had a suspicious med tech tell my pathologist that is was against regulations to have it in the lab anytime !
Responses welcomed.
Have an awesome Thursday!

Maryann  Deathridge, Lab Manager
Pathology Assoc. of  St. Thomas
4220 Harding  Pike
Bldg. SE,  Suite 504
Nashville, TN  37205
madeathridge at pastnashville.com

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