[Histonet] Antibodies

Erin McCarthy erin.mccarthy at tempus.com
Thu Aug 22 09:41:07 CDT 2019

Hi Laura,

What stainer did you previously have? I might be interested if it is from
either the Roche or Leica platforms as we have both currently at my lab.
Also what antibodies?

Thank you,

On Thu, Aug 22, 2019 at 8:22 AM Jones, Laura P. via Histonet <
histonet at lists.utsouthwestern.edu> wrote:

> Good Morning.  We have changed immunostainers and have lots of antibodies
> left from our previous one.  They are not expired.  We would like to give
> them to a school or research facility who could put them to good use.  We
> would gladly ship them at your expense if anyone is interested.
> Thanks,
> Laura Jones
> Laura Jones
> Sharon Regional Medical Center, "A Steward Family Hospital"
> 740 East State Street
> Sharon, PA 16146
> (P) 724-983-3950 Ext. 4875  |  (F) 724-983-3982
> www.SharonRegionalHealth.org<http://www.sharonregionalhealth.org/>
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Erin McCarthy, HT (ASCP)
Histology Supervisor

Tempus Labs
600 W. Chicago Ave.
Chicago IL 60654
Cell: (708)269-8610

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