[Histonet] Congo Red

Bob Richmond rsrichmond at gmail.com
Mon Mar 26 16:05:08 CDT 2018

Carl Hobbs FIBMS, Histology and Imaging Manager at Kings College in London
>>That's a good point, Bob (mouse amyloid controls for human sections). The
amyloid produced by the the various mouse models (TASTPM, TGs) is human
amyloid... as you know. I suspect that it wouldn't be accepted as a
positive control (I don't know) because it isn't pathologically produced.
It is genetically induced as you know).<<

There are more then ten structurally unrelated proteins capable of
arranging into clinically significant amyloid in people.  They have
slightly different tinctorial properties, and of course react differently
to immunohistochemicaly studies.

I don't know of any regulatory agency that has rules about amyloid controls.

The mouse models of amyloidosis involve injection of casein (or diazotized
casein). I haven't read anything about these for close to fifty years, and
there may be better methods now.

I'd want an animal amyloid that was either AA or AL type amyloid.

Bob Richmond
Samurai Pathologist
Maryville, Tennessee

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