[Histonet] FASEB releases report based on results from the Shared Research Resources Survey

Chiriboga, Luis Luis.Chiriboga at nyumc.org
Thu Oct 5 07:11:43 CDT 2017

Dear Participants in FASEB's Shared Research Resources Survey,

Today the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) released the report "Maximizing Shared Research Resources<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.faseb.org_Science-2DPolicy-2D-2DAdvocacy-2Dand-2DCommunications_Science-2DPolicy-2Dand-2DResearch-2DIssues_Shared-2DResearch-2DResources_Maximizing-2DShared-2DResearch-2DResources-2DReport.aspx&d=DwMFaQ&c=nE__W8dFE-shTxStwXtp0A&r=CqfpxVox3wg0MOYeDRPiDg&m=n4veoiI62lC91jl0FroFD6o6hJ26eeySOiqhdtqqjkY&s=OtF0zz7fawpGlhUElq5w9t_OdabeCQkfrHmcJkMA8Mg&e=>," which identifies the challenges encountered by shared research resources providers and users, and makes recommendations for improvement. Thank you again for participating in FASEB's Shared Research Resources Survey - your responses greatly informed this report.

The survey results demonstrated the many benefits of shared resources, from cost efficiency to greater access to advanced technologies and services. However, respondents also described the many ways shared resources can fall short of their full potential. Based on the survey findings, FASEB identified four key areas for improvement:

*         Funding and Business Operations

*         Discoverability and Access;

*         Ability to Meet Evolving Needs;

*         Facility Career Track and Staff Development.

In the accompanying recommendations, FASEB describes actions stakeholders - from sponsors to institutions, facilities, investigators, and scientific societies - can take to improve the deployment, use, and sustainability of shared resources.  The full report, including the recommendations, survey analysis, and appendices (containing the summary results and additional resources) can be downloaded from this page<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.faseb.org_Science-2DPolicy-2D-2DAdvocacy-2Dand-2DCommunications_Science-2DPolicy-2Dand-2DResearch-2DIssues_Shared-2DResearch-2DResources_Maximizing-2DShared-2DResearch-2DResources-2DReport.aspx&d=DwMFaQ&c=nE__W8dFE-shTxStwXtp0A&r=CqfpxVox3wg0MOYeDRPiDg&m=n4veoiI62lC91jl0FroFD6o6hJ26eeySOiqhdtqqjkY&s=OtF0zz7fawpGlhUElq5w9t_OdabeCQkfrHmcJkMA8Mg&e=>.

Please help us share this report! A communications toolkit can be downloaded here<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.dropbox.com_sh_jnio47o4i4f8x5m_AAC4beFi-5F-2DTBHxtAppjjnWTwa-3Fdl-3D0&d=DwMFaQ&c=nE__W8dFE-shTxStwXtp0A&r=CqfpxVox3wg0MOYeDRPiDg&m=n4veoiI62lC91jl0FroFD6o6hJ26eeySOiqhdtqqjkY&s=2RwsSgNB3FqkyKLwOUjLnYntWVO4AY0cS74gcXtI32o&e=> and provides summary text and sample social media posts. Please contact me if you have any questions or would like additional information.

Thank you again for participating in FASEB's Shared Research Resources Survey!


Bethany Drehman, PhD
Senior Science Policy Analyst
Office of Public Affairs
Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology
9650 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20814-3998
Email: bdrehman at faseb.org<mailto:bdrehman at faseb.org>

Phone: (301) 634-7659

Luis Chiriboga Ph.D, IHC Director
DART Experimental Pathology
NYU School of Medicine
MSB 379
Office: 646-501-6934
Mobile: (347) 712-0897
Luis.Chiriboga at nyumc.org<mailto:Luis.Chiriboga at nyumc.org>

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