[Histonet] Bob Richmond

Tony Henwood (SCHN) tony.henwood at health.nsw.gov.au
Mon Mar 13 18:02:32 CDT 2017

All the Best Bob,

Have a great retirement. 
Maybe we will see you in Australia on one of those big boats that make their way here regularly.

Tony Henwood JP, MSc, BAppSc, GradDipSysAnalys, CT(ASC), FFSc(RCPA) 
Principal Scientist, the Children's Hospital at Westmead
Adjunct Fellow, School of Medicine, University of Western Sydney 
Tel: 612 9845 3306 
Fax: 612 9845 3318 
Pathology Department
the children's hospital at westmead
Cnr Hawkesbury Road and Hainsworth Street, Westmead
Locked Bag 4001, Westmead NSW 2145, AUSTRALIA 

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