[Histonet] IMPORTANT: NYS Annoucment: Legislature Approves Extension of Clinical Laboratory Technology Practice Act

NYSHisto litepath2000 at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 9 09:33:24 CDT 2016

June 8, 2016
| Legislature Approves Extension of Clinical LaboratoryTechnology Practice Act |

   - TheState Senate and Assembly passed HANYS-supported legislation (A.8676-A,Magnarelli/S.6929-A, DeFrancisco) that extends for two years the currentlimited licensing provisions of the Clinical Laboratory TechnologyPractice Act. The bill awaits delivery to the Governor for his action.
   - Originallyenacted in 2005, the Clinical Laboratory Technology Practice Actestablished a limited licensing category for professionals, particularlypathologists' assistants, who did not fit into other licensingcategories. Pathologists' assistants play a key role in hospitals andlaboratories across the state——particularly in academic medicalcenters——and New York State facilities would have encountered recruitingchallenges if this limited licensing category had been allowed to expirelater this year. Authorization for this limited licensure is now set toexpire on September 1, 2018.
   - HANYSthanks the sponsors, Senator John DeFrancisco (R-Syracuse) and AssemblyMember William Magnarelli (D-Syracuse), for supporting this legislation.We will work with the Governor's office to urge his approval. 
   - Arelated bill (A.10408, Harris/S.7932, Lavalle)——currently in theAssembly Rules Committee and on the Senate Calendar——would establish apermanent licensure for pathologists' assistants. HANYS continues toadvocate for its passage. 

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