[Histonet] What are science faculty members doing when evaluating anti-science papers in science classes?

Jorge A. Santiago-Blay blayjorge at gmail.com
Mon Dec 5 15:22:35 CST 2016

What are science faculty members doing when evaluating anti-science papers
in science classes?

Dear Colleagues:

To encourage civilized face to face or digital discussions, in my science
classes, I like to ask questions about topics some people find
controversial (e.g. age of Earth, age of human lineage, global climate
change, etc.).

What are science faculty members doing when evaluating anti-science papers
in science classes? I would be interested in knowing whether there are
differences between what people do in different countries.

If you have any constructive response, please feel free to send it directly
to me at

blayjorge at gmail.com

Apologies for potential duplicate emails.



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