[Histonet] Histonet Digest, Vol 153, Issue 10

Steve McClain SteveM at mcclainlab.com
Thu Aug 11 16:42:06 CDT 2016

For once I almost refuse to answer because there is No good answer. This is absolutely ludicrous. 
Heck no is my first response but that probably doesn't pass muster.
My state inspectors are probably wanting to have me fill out more firms   forms for monthly bleaching. Or adding a bleach step to corrode the delicate inner bits.

Perhaps the most cost effective method of disposal i am presently consider it may be least expensive to require all lab medical directors to put it in their will 
my wish is to be entombed with all 4 of my Kseries VIPs. 
They've been working longer than I have and refuse to die. I promise to retire those processors with me buried upright.  Let me stand guard the rest of eternity to prevent the currently rampant spread of all diseases spread by contaminated.

Shucks. I may have to be buried in Jamaica. I shipped a couple of those hazardous contaminated VIPs to Kingston. 

Heck I really do not know why we are pondering a non significant disease. Let someone identify a problem first before making a regulation or procedure.

In my search for more data on  the rampant waterski is on fire v71.0xA ICD10 problem, the processor contamination problem just snuck up on me!!  

I guess we need a decontamination room just to contain the outpouring of biohazardous waste every time we rotate solution or annual maintenance. 

Yep, let them cite me if my burial protocol fails the stink test.
Steve A. McClain, MD

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