[Histonet] Getting rid of bubbles in a gelatinous slide mounting medium

Jorge A. Santiago-Blay blayjorge at gmail.com
Fri Oct 16 15:34:39 CDT 2015

Hello Histonetters:

I have several hundred temporary slide preparations of insects body parts
mounted on aqueous gelatin. As we prepare to photograph, we have been told
to completely cover the specimen with the gelatin mounting and place a cove
slip on top. As we melt new gelatin to comply, the process is invariably
creating annoying bubbles, regardless of how gently we heat the gelatin.

If we stick to gelatin, can someone suggest a method to minimize bubbles
other than manually removing them?

Of we switch mounting medium remember, all specimens are temp. mounted i n
the gelatin), what aqueous medium compatible with the aqueous gelatin would
you recommend that does not (ideally) create bubbles (ideally cheap).

If you have any suggestions, please feel free to email me directly:

blayjorge at gmail.com



P.S. Apologies for potentially duplicate emails.

Jorge A. Santiago-Blay, PhD

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