[Histonet] Reagents changing in dewax/dehydration and tissue processor

Julio Benavides j.benavides at eae.csic.es
Tue Aug 4 08:11:55 CDT 2015

Hi histonets,

how often do you change alcohol/xylene for the  dewax-dehydratation? we 
are running a manual system, with racks of 20 slides in 200 ml 
containers. These is the routine:

100 ethanol
96 ethanol
60 ethanol

96 ethanol
100 ethanol
100 ethanol

trying to work out the cost per slides and for that we should 
established a fixed moment (number of slides?) when to change reagents.

Similarly, what about the change of reagents in the tissue processor 
(talking about a cytadel 2000 here)?

Thank a lot for you help!!

All the best


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