[Histonet] Re: specimen release

Bob Richmond rsrichmond <@t> gmail.com
Mon May 5 15:52:21 CDT 2014

Gale Limron HT,CT (ASCP), Histology Supervisor, Union Hospital, Dover, Ohio
44622 asks:

>>We are looking into revising our policy/release form regarding the
release of specimens to patients and I am interested in knowing what others
are doing.<<

This practice (gallstones, tonsils, etc.) has been pretty well stopped by
the regulatory agencies, JCAHO I think. To no one's regret.

There are some special problems: amputated legs and breasts for burial,
fetuses, placentas for (uh, never mind) - and all of these are worth
developing policies for.

Off-topic, Gale, but congratulations on qualifying both as a
histotechnologist and a cytotechnologist. This is going to become a
necessity in small hospitals in the very near future.

Bob Richmond
Samurai Pathologist
Maryville TN

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