[Histonet] Performance Rounding questions for Histology

Sara Baldwin/mhhcc.org sbaldwin <@t> mhhcc.org
Wed Mar 12 08:46:19 CDT 2014

   Any one out there engaging in Baldridge Excellence program?
   We  are going to start rounding (like physicians) with our employe   and  we  need specific questions I need to ask.  So I thought what be   tter   group  to  ask??  Histonetters!!   I  need  safety,  education,
   obstacle   greatly app   Thanks
   Histology/Cytology Supervisor
   S. Kathy Baldwi   Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center
   sbaldwin <@t> mhhcc   Ph 812-996-0210, 0216, Fax 812-996-0232,
   Pager 812-481-0897, Ce   "Christ's healing mission of compassion empowers us    through quality and excellence."


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