[Histonet] Gross Tech and IHC Documentation

Terri Braud tbraud <@t> holyredeemer.com
Mon Feb 24 09:37:50 CST 2014

2 answers to 2 questions
The initials of the grossing tech or pathologist appears directly under
the gross dictation.
If we have an IHC fail, the tech documents it on the printed run
worksheet.  We keep all printed worksheets.  The pathologist has a daily
review sheet that is reviewed and signed monthly by me as the supv. We
don't turn any non-working stains to the pathologist.
I hope this helps.

Terri L. Braud, HT(ASCP)
Anatomic Pathology Supervisor
Holy Redeemer Hospital Laboratory
1648 Huntingdon Pike
Meadowbrook, PA 19046
Ph: 215-938-3676
Fax: 215-938-3874

Message: 16
Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2014 04:43:09 +0000
From: Amber McKenzie <amber.mckenzie <@t> gastrodocs.net>
Subject: [Histonet] Grossing initials/IHC and Special Stain control
2 questions:
1. How do you document who grosses in your specimens?  Are their
initials typed on the report under gross description or are they hand
written on the paperwork that comes with the bx's - path requisition?
2. How do you document that the special stain/IHC (+) and (-) slides
worked/failed?  Do the pathologists sign off on each one or a tech?  Do
you have a certain paper that you send with your slides that they sign
off on and give back to the supervisor to keep?


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