[Histonet] RE: TJC on IHC Neg Controls

Terri Braud tbraud <@t> holyredeemer.com
Fri Feb 14 12:31:01 CST 2014

I don't know who your manager talked to, but he/she has been
misinformed.  There is no such specific Joint Commission Standard. Here
is what they state, copied from their standards:
QCP.2.1.1 When immunohistochemistry is performed, the laboratory has
quality control processes.
Also, TJC defers to CAP regulations

Terri L. Braud, HT(ASCP)
Anatomic Pathology Supervisor
Holy Redeemer Hospital Laboratory
1648 Huntingdon Pike
Meadowbrook, PA 19046
Ph: 215-938-3676
Fax: 215-938-3874

Message: 4
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2014 18:20:59 +0000
From: "Martin, Erin" <Erin.Martin <@t> ucsf.edu>
Subject: [Histonet] Negative Controls

Hi All,
We are a Joint Commission inspected lab but after CAP changed their
requirements for negative controls we were hoping to drop them too. My
manager contacted TJC and asked what their position was regarding
negative controls.  They responded that they have not changed their
requirements and therefore still  want to see negative controls.  Has
anyone by inspected recently by TJC and had this issue come up?
Thank you!
Erin Martin
Erin Martin, Histology Supervisor
UCSF  Dermatopathology Service


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