[Histonet] Is there a Law for refusal of pathology services.

Paula Pierce contact <@t> excaliburpathology.com
Mon Aug 18 16:16:04 CDT 2014

The tissue sample is proof that the surgery was done. 

If the patient does not want a diagnosis, a gross only should be done for medical-legal purposes.
Paula K. Pierce, HTL(ASCP)HT
Excalibur Pathology, Inc.
5830 N Blue Lake Dr. Please note new address!
Norman, OK 73069
405-759-3953 Lab
405-759-7513 Fax

 From: Nicole Tatum <nicole <@t> dlcjax.com>
To: "histonet <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu" <histonet <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu> 
Sent: Monday, August 18, 2014 4:03 PM
Subject: [Histonet] Is there a Law for refusal of pathology services.

Please help,

We had a patient today who had a punch bx of what is believed to be a clinical dermatofibroma.  The  patient stated they did not wish for the specimen to be sent for clinical testing. Our ARNP discussed the need for pathology at length and the patient stated she was a nurse and could sign a waiver denying pathology services.  I have googled and gooled trying to find any specific law or statue. I can only find information pertaining to research or donated tissue. Stating a person no longer has rights "or ownership"to the tissue once consented and removed, but this case is not for research.  Could someone pls share an actual law with me. Seems silly to consent to the surgery but not to the diagnosis. Im not sure what to do at this point. Have them sign a document on our company letterhead stating there denial of services? Hold the tissue hold long? Accession it but only do gross description? Charge anything? Any thoughts or imformation would be greatly

Nicole Tatum HT BSH
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Histonet <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu

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