[Histonet] Dyeing engineered tissues prior to implantation for easier identification

Elizabeth Ronan lizronan <@t> umich.edu
Tue Jun 25 14:48:26 CDT 2013

Hi everyone,

My lab implants tissue engineered constructs into animal models and we are
having trouble distinguishing what is actually implanted tissue at the time
of explant. Is there a way to dye or mark our tissue grafts prior to
implantation? We plan on doing IHC on the explants so we don't want any
auto fluorescence caused by the dye to interfere. We've thrown around the
idea of staining the construct with evan's blue, however it is excited in
the red channel. I was wondering if anyone out there had any ideas for a
tracer dye we could stain our constructs with that will allow it to be
visibly identifiable once implanted into animals and that would not
interfere with IHC or elicit an immune response.


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