[Histonet] HTL Currently Seeking Employment

Ryan Hickey rmhickey88 <@t> gmail.com
Tue Jun 18 21:50:17 CDT 2013

Hello Histonet, and thank you for the opportunity to introduce myself:

My name is Ryan Hickey, and I will soon be graduating from a
NAACLS-accredited 1-year program in Histotechnology from The University of
Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center School of Health Professions. I am in the
final stage of my clinical rotations both in immunohistochemistry and
biorepository research, after accruing experience in immunohistochemistry,
special stains, microtomy, cryotomy, grossing, and laboratory operations.
Throughout the duration of the program, I feel that I have received a
strong foundation of knowledge and clinical practice in histotechnology.

Prior to my clinical education in histotechnology, I spent significant time
in a molecular profiling and diagnostics laboratory practicing
immunohistochemical and immunofluorescence assays. My work comprised
protocol validation and optimization in regards to the characterization of
biomarkers related to squamous cell carcinomas.

In August, I will be eligible for ASCP Histotechnologist Certification
(HTL); my application for the certification exam has been submitted. If
selected, I am able to begin work immediately.

Please feel free to contact me if you or any of your colleagues or
associates are seeking a well-qualified, dedicated histotechnologist. Thank
you for taking the time to review my information and consider my request;
as always, I look forward to contributing constructively to the Histonet in
the near future.

Kind regards,

Ryan M. Hickey, BS

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