[Histonet] Biocare Medical Mach 4

Mark Tarango marktarango <@t> gmail.com
Tue Jun 11 16:59:03 CDT 2013

Hi Kris,

The polymer backbone for this detection kit is conjugated with anti-rabbit
antibodies only (AP Polymer reagent).  The specific probe is a rabbit
anti-mouse antibody in the AP probe reagent.  That is why you only need to
apply the AP probe when your primary antibody is from mouse but not when
it's rabbit.


On Tue, Jun 11, 2013 at 12:05 PM, Kalleberg, Kristopher <
Kristopher.Kalleberg <@t> unilever.com> wrote:

> Hello All,
> Does anyone have any knowledge of the Biocare Medical Mach 4 AP detection
> system.  How does this system exactly work.  Does it use a dextran backbone
> with 2ndary antibodies attached like other systems and then the polymer
> binds to that?  Their datasheets simply state that it uses a specific probe
> and then the polymer binds to that.  I am very pleased with the results I
> have achieved with this system but am a little confused on the technique of
> labeling.  Any knowledge on this topic would be greatly appreciated.  And
> as always, thanks in advance.
> Kris
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