[Histonet] CAP inspect- It's not about you(lab), it is about me(inspector)

Curt c.tague <@t> Pathologyarts.com
Thu Jun 6 14:51:48 CDT 2013

Though I don't think this is exactly what you're asking, I think the best thing they could do is terminate this "exception" to the law that allows preferential self referral. There is abusive over utilization costing millions/billions in additional cost to tax payers and those who purchase health insurance. The response from the feds is to cut the bread winning cpt code by 52% (in our area)... I have a friend who owns a small lab with 2 employees, because of these cuts he needs to lay them both off.... because of greedy POD's abusing the system. So there you have it, that's the first thing they should do.


-----Original Message-----
From: histonet-bounces <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu [mailto:histonet-bounces <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu] On Behalf Of Linda
Sent: Thursday, June 06, 2013 12:25 PM
To: histonet <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu
Subject: [Histonet] CAP inspect- It's not about you(lab), it is about me(inspector)

Greetings All,
I just went through my Physician Office Laboratory(POL) inspection recently.
We all have to go through CAP inspections.  Yes, it is a voluntarily process.  We all work very hard and make sure everything is spit shined when they come into our pseudo-homes.
With all the CAP rules changing, all the multitude of sections verses just Lab general, Anatomic Path, and if you do cytology, that section. Now, with the non-exist traditional hospital laboratory being replaced with a central location to serve many hospitals.  Or now, as am I, a physical owned lab, with no pathologist on site.  And as always, being understaffed, required to produce more in a shorter amount of time, etc., essentially not feeling the "love".
Do you feel the laboratory inspection process should change too?
I am not endorsing or refuting any of the suggested process changes, they are thoughts that I actually have heard through the society grapevine.  Such as being taken over by the FDA, or having paid inspection teams, or some other process in-between?  A different set of inspectors who understand that POLs,  are the test(analytical) process and not the post-analytical process(the path report).
I send out to histoland the question interested in your thoughts.
Linda Dee, BGS, HT(ASCP) 
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