[Histonet] microtome aligner

Paula Sicurello patpxs <@t> gmail.com
Wed Jul 17 11:13:07 CDT 2013

I used an even cheaper version of the aligner.  My microtome service
engineer suggested an "L level" or a "T" level that you can buy at Home
Depot.  The L looks just like an L, it is actually a right angle measuring
device, used to make sure the corners or something are straight at 90

You take the knife holder out and place one side of the L on the knife
holder place and the other against the block face.

Paula  :-)

Paula Sicurello, HTL (ASCP)
Supervisor, Clinical Electron Microscopy Laboratory
Duke University Health System
Rm.#251M, Duke South, Green Zone
Durham, North Carolina 27710
P:  919.684.2091

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On Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 11:14 AM, Grantham, Andrea L - (algranth) <
algranth <@t> email.arizona.edu> wrote:

> They do work. I saw one at NSH some years ago and came home and had the
> guys in our shop make one for me exactly like the one I saw and it cost
> next to nothing. We bought the little round level at home depot.
> Andi
> Andrea Grantham, HT (ASCP)
> Senior Research Specialist
> University of Arizona
> Cellular and Molecular Medicine
> Histology Service Laboratory
> P.O.Box 245044
> Tucson, AZ 85724
> algranth <@t> email.arizona.edu<mailto:algranth <@t> email.arizona.edu>
> Tel: 520.626.4415     Fax: 520.626.2097
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