[Histonet] COX/SDH Combo staining
Tony Henwood (SCHN)
tony.henwood <@t> health.nsw.gov.au
Tue Jul 9 18:17:48 CDT 2013
Here is our technique:
Cytochrome Oxidase - SDH
1. Defects of cytochrome oxidase activity
2. Demonstration of mitochondria
Underlying Principle
Combining the COX with the SDH can demonstrate COX negative fibres. These may be SDH positive and may be ragged red fibres. 3 of the 13 subunits of COX are encoded by mitochondrial DNA whereas SDH is encoded by nuclear DNA. Therefore SDH is not affected by mitochondrial DNA mutations. Ragged red fibres in mitochondrial myopathies are generally COX neg (except in MELAS). Intra fibre mosaicism (mixture of bluish COX deficient and brownish COX positive mitochondria within the same fibre are also well demonstrated by this combined technique).
Fixation and Sectioning
Air dried unfixed 8µM cryostat sections
1. PBS Buffer:
Dissolve one Dulbecco PBS Tablet in 100ml distilled water
2. COX A Solution:
Warning: DAB is carcinogenic – Avoid contact with skin
Sucrose 0.75g
3,3' Diaminobenzidine.4HCl (DAB) 0.05g
Adjust to pH 7.6
PBS Buffer up to 50ml
Aliquot in 2ml amounts (labelled CA), store at -20oC
3. COX B Solution:
Catalase (Sigma C9322) 0.001g
Cytochrome C (Sigma C2037) 0.05g
Adjust to pH 7.6
PBS Buffer up to 50ml
Aliquot in 2ml amounts (labelled CB), store at -20oC
4. Incubating medium
Defrost one CA and one CB vial, mix and place in a 2-slide plastic slide mailer. Place mailer in a coplin jar for support.
5. SDH Reagents
1 Stock 0.2M Sodium Dihydrogen Phosphate (NaH2PO4)
Sodium Dihydrogen Phosphate 23.996 g
Distilled water 1000 ml
Store at room temperature
2 Stock 0.2M Disodium Hydrogen Phosphate (Na2HPO4)
Disodium Hydrogen Phosphate 28.392 g
Distilled water 1000 ml
Store at room temperature
3 0.6M succinate solution (adjusted to pH 7.6)
Warning: Irritant – see MSDS
Sodium succinate 12.96 g
Distilled water 64.00 ml
1M HCl 0.40 ml
pH to 7.6 with 0.2M Disodium Hydrogen Phosphate
Distilled water up to 80 ml
Aliquot 800μl into eppendorf vials (labelled S) and store at -20C
3. Yellow SDH Incubation Medium
Stock 0.2M Sodium Hydrogen Phosphate 52ml
Stock 0.2M Disodium Hydrogen Phosphate 348ml
Nitro Blue Tetrazolium (NBT) 0.6 g
Adjust to pH 7.6 with stock phosphate solutions
Aliquot 4ml into tubes labelled “SY” and store at -20C (enough for 100 tubes)
4. Incubating medium (prepare fresh)
1. Defrost a vial of succinate solution (S) and a Yellow Incubation Solution (SY)
2. Add solution “S” to “SY”, prior to use, mix and place in a small plastic slide mailer.
1. Prepare incubation solution
2. Immediately place frozen sectioned slides in incubation solution and incubate for two hours at room temperature.
3. Check staining and replace for longer if required
4. Rinse slides in distilled water and prepare SDH incubation medium.
5. Add slides to SDH medium and incubate at 37oC for 1-2 hour.
6. Rinse slides in distilled water.
7. Rinse in water, dehydrate, clear and mount.
Cytochrome Oxidase positive mitochondria Brown.
Cytochrome Oxidase negative mitochondria Blue
1. Seligman etal (1968) J Cell Biol 38:1-14.
2. Loughlin M. (1993). Muscle biopsy. A laboratory investigation. Butterworth-Heinemann p.38-39.
3. Sheehan D, Hrapchak B. (1987). Histotechnology, 2nd Ed. Batelle Press, Columbus p306-307
Tony Henwood JP, MSc, BAppSc, GradDipSysAnalys, CT(ASC), FFSc(RCPA)
Laboratory Manager & Senior Scientist
Tel: 612 9845 3306
Fax: 612 9845 3318
the children's hospital at westmead
Cnr Hawkesbury Road and Hainsworth Street, Westmead
Locked Bag 4001, Westmead NSW 2145, AUSTRALIA
-----Original Message-----
From: histonet-bounces <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu [mailto:histonet-bounces <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu] On Behalf Of Helene Degan
Sent: Wednesday, 10 July 2013 5:33 AM
To: histonet <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu
Subject: [Histonet] COX/SDH Combo staining
I'm looking for COX/SDH combo staining procedures for muscle enzymes we currently do these two enzyme procedure separately and we our looking into combining them or any idea as to what sites I may find the information.
deganh <@t> upstate.edu
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