[Histonet] RE: Waterbaths

Tony Henwood (SCHN) tony.henwood <@t> health.nsw.gov.au
Mon Aug 5 18:37:28 CDT 2013

Hi LeAnn,

We empty the waterbaths each afternoon and add fresh warm water in the morning (we do not need to use distilled water - fortunately Sydney has good clean water, as well as high taxes, high house prices, etc etc!!)

We clean with warm soapy water.

Tony Henwood JP, MSc, BAppSc, GradDipSysAnalys, CT(ASC), FFSc(RCPA) 
Laboratory Manager & Senior Scientist 
Tel: 612 9845 3306 
Fax: 612 9845 3318 
the children's hospital at westmead
Cnr Hawkesbury Road and Hainsworth Street, Westmead
Locked Bag 4001, Westmead NSW 2145, AUSTRALIA 

-----Original Message-----
From: histonet-bounces <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu [mailto:histonet-bounces <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu] On Behalf Of Leann M. Murphy
Sent: Tuesday, 6 August 2013 3:02 AM
To: Histonet <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu
Subject: [Histonet] Waterbaths

Just wondering if everyone leaves the distilled water in their water baths overnight or replaces the water first thing in the morning?  Also, what do you use to clean your water baths?

LeAnn Murphy
Technical Specialist Aultman Hospital
Lmurphy2 <@t> aultman.com<mailto:Lmurphy2 <@t> aultman.com>

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