[Histonet] Re: Is specimen too cold for cryosectioning?

Teri Johnson TJohnson <@t> gnf.org
Thu Sep 20 16:21:34 CDT 2012

Hi Arjun,

In my experience, 2 degrees C can make a huge difference in the ability to section something well. We have a unit that can set the specimen/object temperature separately from the chamber temp and when having difficulty I start making temperature adjustments 1-2 degrees at a time.

I think that cutting temperature is too cold when your tissue sample shatters when sectioning (depending too on the thickness). If you can rub your thumb across it and you get a few decent sections, the warming of the specimen likely explains it.

Teri Johnson, HT(ASCP)QIHC
GNF Histology Lab Manager
Genomics Institute of the Novartis Research Foundation

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