[Histonet] Diamond Knives

Paula Sicurello patpxs <@t> gmail.com
Thu Mar 15 07:28:39 CDT 2012

Hi Philip,

Diatome is the brand we use.  Lately they have been having
resharpening issues.  We have had to send several back after
resharpening because the knives left scratch marks on the thin
sections.  That said, they are friendly and helpful and have never
complained about us returning one for additional resharpening.

There are other brands on the market, I have not used them in a while
so I cannot comment about those vendors.

If you have anyother questions, feel free to ask.

Paula  :-)

Paula Sicurello, HTL (ASCP)
Supervisor, Electron Microscope Laboratory
Duke University Health System
Rm.#251M, Duke South, Green Zone
Durham, North Carolina 27710
P:  919.684.2091

On Wed, Mar 14, 2012 at 10:42 PM, Philip Slakmon <slakmon <@t> yahoo.com> wrote:
> Good Afternoon,
> I was interested in knowing people's opinions on the different diamond knives on the market. Opinions could be based on quality, design, workmanship, delivery, customer service/support, pricing, ....
> Thank you,
> Philip
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