[Histonet] ammonium hydroxide

Canal, Erica ECanal <@t> hei.org
Tue Mar 6 15:58:52 CST 2012

Hello, I am a newly certified histotech, so I have lots to learn but I
would like to know what you experts think about our tissue processing.

We process mouse tissue.  Tissue is fixed in nbf, and then the skull and
spine is placed in decal soln. overnight while the other tissue organs
etc,; are placed in 70% etoh over night for a day even two sometimes.
Then when it comes to processing here is our pgm. :

70% etoh ...........15 mins

95% etoh ...........45 mins

Absolute etoh....60 mins

Absolute etoh ...60mins

Absolute etoh....60mins

Absolute etoh....60 mins

Absolute etoh...60 mins

Clear rite..........2hrs

Clear rite .......2 hrs 15mins

Clear rite.......2hrs 30 mins



Histowax........1hr 30 mins


So after processing my tissues are very very dry and brittle. I soak
them on ice with soapy water and sometimes use ammonium hydroxide in the
ice water, to soften my tissue. I would like to know if you have any
suggestions for my processing cycle and I would like to know If ammonium
hydroxide affects IHC staining.

Thanks much...histo newbie 


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