[Histonet] Wrinkles in whole bone mouse tibias

nancy lowen claycal44 <@t> yahoo.com
Fri Apr 13 08:30:49 CDT 2012

Hello to all,
I am having on ongoing problem with wrinkles in the midshaft marrow area of sections of whole mouse tibias.  Leaving them in the waterbath longer does not help--water bath temp. is 48 to 49 degrees.  I have tried several waxes to help, and am currently using McCormick Paraplast Plus.
Processing times are : 70%-1hour, 80% etoh,1hour, 95%-1hour, 3 100% alcohols at 1 hour each. 2 Citrisolvs at 1:30 hours each, and four waxes for 1hour, 1hour,1hour, and 3hours for the last.
Specimens seem to cut fine, and the head of the bone is good, but the wrinkles are in the middle to lower part of the diaphysis.
Is is possible that the polymers in the wax could be the problem?
I see it mostly in the thinner, densely maarrow packed bones.
If anyone has any ideas, could you please pass it along, as I am getting gray hairs from trying to figure it out.
Also, I do not fix the bones myself, but most of the bones I get have been fixed for 24 hours in 10% Formalin.
Thanks in advance.
Nancy.lowen <@t> Va.gov

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