[Histonet] "grossing" again...

Bruce Gapinski bruski53 <@t> mac.com
Thu Jun 30 18:05:35 CDT 2011

	Is anyone anticipating new CAP changes this year in their lab with respect to "grossing" tissue. We are not in the same site as the doctors and we've been submitting specific surgical specimens for the Pathologist for 20 years. GI bxs, prostate needle bxs, etc. We've also been grossing dermatology specimens since 1970. Cutting skin ellipses, submitting punch bxs, and on and on. All off site. 
	Our Pathologist thinks it is more technical to embed the punch bx, than to place it in a cassette.
	Is it true, we can't gross anything with just an HT certificate? How about if we use cameras to watch our grossing from the hospital?
Your thoughts please
Bruce Gapinski HT (ASCP)

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