[Histonet] And now, IHC playing cards!

Emily Sours talulahgosh <@t> gmail.com
Thu Jul 14 09:04:54 CDT 2011

Hello again!

I went to their site and can't find anything...hopefully I didn't miss it!!


A great book should leave you with many experiences, and slightly exhausted.
You should live several lives while reading it.
-William Styron

On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 3:18 PM, <mtitford <@t> aol.com> wrote:

> Those of you that like freebies (like Dako mousepads, Thermo pens and Sigma
> coffee mugs) will be amused to learn that Cell Marque are giving away packs
> of playing cards. Each card shows a section stained with a different
> antobody (one of theirs of course, together with the catalogue number).
> No, I don't have shares in Cell Marque, but I am continually amused by the
> different methods companies in all walks of life use to  advertise their
> products. Some are, well, just original!
> Michael Titford
> Pathology USA
> Mobile AL USA
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