[Histonet] Powdered reagent expiration dates
Lee & Peggy Wenk
lpwenk <@t> sbcglobal.net
Mon Jul 26 18:41:47 CDT 2010
See if you can get the following article. Biotech Histochem is published by
the Biological Stain Commission. http://www.biologicalstaincommission.org/
Biotech Histochem. 2009 Feb;84(1):11-5.
Stain and dye stability over a 30-year period: a comparison of certified dye
powders by the Biological Stain Commission.
Penney DP, Frank M, Fagan C, Willis C.
Biological Stain Commission, Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine,
University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, New York 14642-0001, USA.
David_Penney <@t> urmc.rochester.edu
The Biological Stain Commission (BSC) Assay Laboratory has received numerous
inquiries during the past several years regarding the long-term stability of
stain and dye powders, particularly since packaging requirements call for
expiration dates on reagents. We have conducted a study to examine the
long-term stability of selected dye powders. We used the standard procedures
of the BSC for testing biological stains for certification to give an
indication of the long-term chemical stability as well as staining
performance of the dye powders. An earlier study by Emmel and Stotz examined
the stability of various dye powders after a five-year storage period. The
present study is a follow-up project covering the same dyes after storage
for 30 years. The dye samples chosen for the study are the same samples used
in the five-year storage period study and give comparative results for all
three time periods. The results of this study affirm the generally held
speculation that dye powders are stable for many years and thus have a
substantial shelf-life.
Peggy A. Wenk, HTL(ASCP)SLS
Beaumont Hospital
Royal Oak, MI 48073
-----Original Message-----
From: histonet-bounces <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu
[mailto:histonet-bounces <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu] On Behalf Of Pat Laurie
Sent: Monday, July 26, 2010 1:27 PM
To: Histonet <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu
Subject: [Histonet] Powdered reagent expiration dates
We were inspected by CAP on friday and we were cited for
ANP.21366 *Are reagents and solutions properly labeled, as applicable and
appropriate, with the following elements?*
* *
1. *Content and quantity, concentration or titer*
2. *Storage requirements*
3. *Date prepared or reconstituted by laboratory*
4. *Expiration date*
Specifically that our staining powders didn't have an expiration date
printed on the bottle. All of our reconsituted reagents which are in use
were dated with an expiration date properly though. I have always assumed,
perhaphs incorrectly, that powdered stains never expire. We have powders
like Luxol Echt Blau, etc. that were purchased and opened over 40
years ago. If so, then these powdered reagents have gone through CAP
inspections since the beginning and this inspector was the first one to find
this problem. Is this one that we might protest?
Patrick Laurie HT(ASCP)QIHC
CellNetix Pathology & Laboratories
1124 Columbia Street, Suite 200
Seattle, WA 98104
PH: 206-215-5949
plaurie <@t> cellnetix.com
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