[Histonet] Microtomist's Vade-Mecum on the Web

Robert Richmond rsrichmond <@t> gmail.com
Thu Jan 28 07:41:44 CST 2010

Arthur Bolles Lee's The Microtomist's Vade-Mecum, 7th edition (1913)
is available online on Google Books, along with some other editions:


This marvelous old histology recipe book was a great rarity before the
Web, though it's actually now available from Amazon. It took me
several years to find a copy in 1976 - found one in a consignment of
old books discarded from the library of a long-defunct college.

A note about the title: Vade-Mecum (pronounced something like
voddy-make-um) - literally "come with me" (think of "Quo Vadis) is an
old word for a practical handbook of something.

Bob Richmond
Samurai Pathologist
Knoxville TN

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