[Histonet] Questions for a Pathology Candidate

Breeden, Sara sbreeden <@t> nmda.nmsu.edu
Mon Feb 1 07:23:52 CST 2010

I have pondered and edited the answers I've gotten from many of you and,
in response to some very pointed suggestions that EVERYTHING be shared
on Histonet to further communication and professional "bonding", here
are the questions for the Hypothetical Interview of a Pathologist:

1.       What is the role of the histologist to you in your personal
profession position?

2.       Do you consider the histologist a part of the professional

3.       How much time have you spent in a histology lab, observing or
performing histology tasks? Have you processed (cassetting to staining)
samples to be aware of the effects of collection?

4.       Have you performed routine H&E, special stains and IHC?

5.       What are your favorite special stains?

6.       How would you handle a suggestion or comment from a histologist
regarding technique?

7.       How would you address a problem with a section or a stain with
the histologist?

8.       What would a histologist from a former workplace say about you?

9.       What is your communication style?

10.   What are your TAT expectations - surgicals, special stains, IHC,
autopsies/necropsies, etc.?

11.   What, in general, are your expectations of the histology


Sally Breeden, HT(ASCP)

NM Dept. of Agriculture

Veterinary Diagnostic Services

PO Box 4700

Albuquerque, NM  87106



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