[Histonet] RE: LIS systems
Jesus Ellin
JEllin <@t> yumaregional.org
Tue Aug 31 10:01:39 CDT 2010
We have used PowerPath here and it works great for us. It also depends
on what you want to accomplish with the LIS. This is very important to
look at this aspect and define what your goals are, costs, and future
functionality. The smaller system will be able to customize well, while
the larger systems are pretty much set in there ways. If I had to pick
top 3 it would be PowerPath, Pathview, and Pathlogic. The larger
systems have issues and unless if you are part of an enterprise system
that requires you to be one vendor, I would keep my mind open. But ask
these systems about workflow and how they are going to meet the role of
the new future of QA and QC within the AP Laboratory. They are so
pathologist centric and they forget about the other aspects of the AP
lab to include cytology, molecular, grossing, etc.
Anatomic Pathology Supervisor
Department of Pathology
Information Systems
Yuma Regional Medical Center
jellin <@t> yumaregional.org
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Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2010 7:30 AM
To: histonet <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu
Subject: Re: [Histonet] RE: LIS systems
We have used PowerPath since 1999 and have made so many custom changes
that we probably can't ever leave. If I were looking today I would
consider http://www.pathview.com/.
Victor Tobias
Clinical Applications Analyst
University of Washington Medical Center
Dept of Pathology Room BB220
1959 NE Pacific
Seattle, WA 98195
victor <@t> pathology.washington.edu
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On 8/31/2010 7:23 AM, Blazek, Linda wrote:
> I've never used Meditech so I don't know what the down side is to that
system. I have used PowerPath and it was a great system but if you want
a system that has most of what PowerPath has but not the enormous cost
you may want to look at Pathlogix. http://www.pathlogix.com/
> I use it now and like it. It does have some glitch things but they
are not major and there is a simple workaround for them.
> Linda Blazek HT (ASCP)
> Manager/Supervisor
> GI Pathology of Dayton
> Digestive Specialists, Inc
> 7415 Brandt Pike
> Huber Heights, OH 45424
> Phone: (937) 396-2623
> Email: lblazek <@t> digestivespecialists.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: histonet-bounces <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu
[mailto:histonet-bounces <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu] On Behalf Of
Mitchell, Janice A
> Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2010 9:43 AM
> To: histonet <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu
> Subject: [Histonet] LIS systems
> Good Morning,
> We are looking for new LIS system. Right now there are two options, a
system for all of Clinical Labs& AP or a new system for just AP.
Right now we use Meditech. Any advice on which systems work best for AP.
I know each system will have some flaw since nothing is perfect but,
anything has got to be better than Meditech.
> Thanks, Janice
> Janice A. Mitchell, BS, HT(ASCP)
> Assistant Histology Supervisor
> Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
> Anatomic Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
> 324 S. 34th Street
> Philadelphia, Pa 19104-4399
> 215-590-1738(lab)
> 267-426-7754(office)
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